Well begun is work half done. But creating a website is just the beginning of journey. The key to hoard internet riches is driving traffic. While there are millions of website owners trying to do the same you have to know specific strategies that can help you flood traffic to your website. The good news is you are at the right place to know the various strategies for getting traffic to your site. The methods discussed here are proven to be completely organic and ethical. There are both free and paid methods in the list
After you create website related to specific blog topic use a keyword tool and identify the relevant keywords. This length of the keyword could be 2 or more words together. Search engines detect keywords in your site and direct visitors based on the type of request and its related niche.
Regular posts
Regular posts on the website will encourage visitors to come to back and check what’s new in your site. This will also update them about the new products promoted on the site
Review writing
By writing reviews about the products you are promoting you will give an insight about them. In the reviews you can discuss benefits and issues to inform the buyers about various features of the product.
Social Media
Sharing updates, posts and other information on Social media sites such twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook will create awareness of your site. If you have good content on the site then the first time visitors from social media sites can turn to be followers- regular site traffic.
Youtube Posts
Make use of Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentation with voice on it. In the presentation deliver interesting and useful information. Also share your link in the
Paid traffic source
There are SEO companies who can direct traffic to your website by using optimization strategies. Hiring paid seo traffic is useful as service provider knows how make targeted traffic flow into your website.
Include variety of keywords in the posts
Try to include as many keywords as possible in the web content posted on the site. But ensure that keywords are properly based on the semantics of the content. Search engines can detect these and identity your content to the users.
Post articles on article directories
Write articles and post on the article directories. At the end of article include URL of the site. Many of the article directories allow users to publish for free with limited submissions. You can write about trending topics and post on these directories to direct traffic into your site.
Create interesting Headlines for posts
Interesting headline on posts ensures that visitors want to read them. Users may also view the headline on the search engine results get attracted to click and know.
Provoke Conversation
While writing the blog posts ensure they have firm statements, sometimes even controversies to provoke comments. More and more comment can turn your post viral and be identified by search engine. Your site can get higher ranking from the search engine for future posts.