Using proper on-page optimization for your website is the 1st step you should take to increase your website’s ranking in the search engines. However, on-page optimization isn’t enough. To get a high ranking in the search engines, you must build links.
The best links are natural. Natural links occur when other websites link to your website without any work on your part. These links will greatly boost your website’s ranking in the search engines, but they take time to build.
In the meantime, you can generate links artificially through a few different mediums. These links can be ‘hit or miss’ meaning some links you create will be useful and some will be pointless. However, if you follow the techniques outlined in this article you can generate some quality links to your website. These links can really improve your ranking in the search engines.
Here are three techniques you can use to build links to your website:
1. Blog Commenting
-Blog commenting is quick, easy, and can provide valuable links. Head over to a blog that is in the same category as your website and leave a comment on a few blog posts. Make sure your comment adds value and doesn’t come across as spammy or the webmaster may delete it.
-When you submit your comment there will be a textbox in which you can input your website URL. When your comment is posted, it will link to your website.
2. Directories
-Webmasters have been using directories to build links for a long time. While this technique isn’t as valuable as it was years ago, good directories are still valued by search engines. Choose a few of the best directories in your niche (and in general) and submit your website.
-The two best directories are DMOZ and the Yahoo directory. When you list your website in both of these, your ranking will increase.
3. Forums
-Many forums allow users to post their website’s link in the signature. You can also post your links in forum threads as long as you do it in a non-spammy way and add value to the forum.
-Sign up for forums relating to your website and start posting regularly.
-Using all of these techniques will help you you build up a significant amount of links. In order to build quality links, you must be persistent and post your links on many different sites.
As the search engines index them, you’re ranking will start to go up.
All in all, if you are new to the SEO world please do understand that Link building is a long drawn out process so DO NOT go about buying links in order to take shortcuts as the end result will only be failure. Stay away from companies telling you we will build X amount of links in a few days or attach a link wheel to your site to augment your page rank and take you to the top of the search engines because such a thing simply DOES NOT WORK at all.
Please always undertake white hat SEO only.