There are quite a number of sole entrepreneurship types of businesses that are available these days. However, they maintain a small budget for their business and are not in the bit of hiring professional designers in order to prepare their blogs. For young entrepreneurs like them here is an apt solution to add visual contents on their blog posts.
A well-equipped blog with quality content and images are best for drawing the attention of readers. It is the best solution to keep them engaged in their blogs on a regular basis. Here, are certain plausible solutions for creating better blog graphics.
- Engagement
For the better attention of customers, it is important to have better visual contents. It is a proven fact that the brain of human beings is able to process images faster than normal tests. Apart from that articles that have got images are read or viewed more than 90 percent of the times than simple text content. People also have the habit of sharing a blog that have got image contents. Thus, it is important to write a blog with image contents.
- Photo Skills To Be Mastered
There are various important photo skills that need to be mastered in order to post an attractive image on the blog. Here are few tips.
- Selecting, resizing and cropping images.
- Various layers and the method of their functioning.
- Options for layer blending and various blending modes.
- Using various shapes like rectangles, circles, and squares.
- Using and importing shapes, brushes and patterns.
- Making use of the font tool.
- Using guides and grids for laying out individual elements.
- Steps To Be Followed To Get Going
Step 1 - Using of various color options like primary, secondary and tertiary which will help in getting a better image with the rightful contrast and effect.
Step 2 - Making use of the right kind of typeface. Using the right kind of font sizes makes the blog look more attractive to read. However, there is various type of font styles that are available it is important to choose the right type for more viewership.
Step 3 – Images are one of the most important features that one should have in their blog in order to get the maximum amount of traffic into the blog. There are various types of images that one can make use of like hero images, stick images, vector images.
Step 4 – One can add more things like patterns, icons, shapes and brushes. These unique additions can help in giving a more attractive look to the blog and also make it look more appealing to the eyes of the reader.
- Advanced Blog Post Graphics
One can also include various header images in order to draw the attention of the customer from the very first. However, there are basically four options that are available for adding an attractive header.
Option 1 – In the first option one can add images, texts, and tints.
Option 2 - In the second option one can certainly have the option to add texts, borders, tint, and images.
Option 3 – In the third option one can make use of gradients, images, and texts.
Option 4 - In the fourth option one can certainly avail the option of adding texts, icons, and solid colors.
Preparing effective contents in your website is something that will certainly help you gather better traffic and make your website popular among your targeted audience and customers. However, all these days content writing basically meant writing textual contents. For a long time this content format did help companies gather traffic, but with new technological inventions it has been noticed there are far better ways to display your contents other than textual writings. The best way to forecast your content these days is by using visual effects. So, how can visual effects help you in gather more traffic and also bring a successful marketing campaign? Most importantly why you should use visual content?
Visual contents are basically the most effective ways to showcase your brands to the world these days. it is a proven fact that our brains are capable of processing visual content more effectively and efficiently than normal textual contents. This will help in gathering more traffic as it is able to engage the attention of customers more efficiently.
The reason why visual contents are so effective these days is because our brain is more responsive to this type of medium. The brain takes about one-fourth of a second to process a visual content in comparison to textual content that takes about 7 to 8 seconds. Visual content generally helps the brain to trigger three core areas like appeal, comprehension and also retention.
Apart from that it is important to know that visual content is much more attractive and engaging than normal textual contents. if you have a well-designed visual content then you can be rest assured that your website contents will be most read by maximum followers in your targeted list as well as from the outside. This will certainly help you widen your customer base. The customers will be able to retain your marketing message more efficiently. The brain takes a fraction of a second to analyze a visual content in comparison to textual content which actually takes longer.
Visual content can be segregated into two parts which are black and white visual effect and a colored visual effect. The attention span of viewers who have watched a black and white visual is about 2 to 4 seconds whereas on the other hand the attention span of people who have watched colored videos is more than 3 seconds. There was a study conducted where it has been seen that people who have watched a chart that was visually embellished had found it more memorable and alluring rather than watching a normal chart.
One of the greatest benefits of visual images on the brain is that the brain is able to interpret visuals much faster than it is capable of processing languages. An example of this can be clearly seen on the road. Various signs that are displayed on the road like, zebra crossing are basically shown with the help of images. Thus, you can be certain that your visual contents will be able to bring about a drastic effect in the mind of your readers. These are certain tips that will help you to manage and execute your social marketing strategy effectively.