Sometimes Google may ban certain websites especially if they resort to black hat SEO techniques. If the site does not adhere to the guidelines set in Google Webmaster Tools, it can result in the website being deindexed or banned. The penalties can be different, algorithmic or manual depending on the type of violation. These penalties can harm the search engine ranking and visibility of the website. If you follow the basic guidelines of white hat SEO, you will never have to face any such problems.
If any problem with Google arises, there are certain steps and guidelines you need to follow to get the problem solved.
Ensure It Is Really a Ban
If you see a fall in the organic traffic to your site, you need to make sure that it is really a ban. There might be other problems that can lead to fall in the traffic. Google regularly updates and changes its algorithms and hence, you need to update your SEO efforts too if you want your site to remain on top of the search engine.
You can conduct a search in the Google index and see if your site is still visible in the search engine’s index. If it is then your site is not banned, merely there is some other problem like crawler issues. There are SEO analysis tools that you can use to detect the real problems.
Check If You Have Been Hacked
Often if your web site is hacked, you may end up getting your website banned in Google. You can check the JS files or the HTML codes for any malicious JavaScript or codes. You can also use an antivirus to check the entire website. Look carefully for any warning signs. The hackers may also add hidden texts or spam links to your site. Google will send you warnings on the Webmaster console if that is the case.
Check the Guidelines
If your site is really banned, you need to go through the Google guidelines and check if you are really violating any of them. The violations may be as common as spamming, hidden links, thin content etc.
Rectify the Violations
If you find violations in your site, you need to immediately take steps to rectify them. If you are using any illegal or black hat SEO techniques, you must stop doing so immediately. The sooner you are able to fix the problems, the sooner Google will remove the ban and your website will begin to receive organic traffic again.
File a Reconsideration Request with Google
After you have corrected all the issues and violations on your web site, you need to file a request with Google. Be honest with them and describe what had gone wrong and what steps you have taken to combat it. Request them for a reconsideration assuring your future honesty. Google however reserves the right to accept or reject the request.
Read the Feedback
Google will provide you with a feedback in context of the reconsideration request. They might ask you to take some more measures.
SEO is a way of improving the ranking of certain websites on the search engines. There are certain ways and strategies of doing it. Some of them are legal and approved by search engines, they are known as organic or ‘white hat SEO’. The techniques that are not approved and not legit are called ‘black hat SEO’.
You should always go for the white hat SEO packages, as they are legal and will not harm your website. But, if you go for tricks and unapproved methods, your website will be harmed, even get banned from the search engines altogether.
But, if you are not sure which is the organic process, talk to your SEO services Singapore provider and find out the details.
There are certain tips that you can follow if you want to make sure that your techniques are legit:
·Use of keywords: This is very important, since keywords are an essential tool for ensuring the search engine ranking. Make sure that the title, page and the URL has the relevant keywords. Without the use of keywords, your content, even if they are very good, will get lost in the depths of the internet and will not be found again. However, maintaining the correct density is also extremely important and make sure that you do not cram your pages with it. Keyword stuffing is not considered to be an organic technique.
·Do not try to trick the search engine bots. You should use the different optimization techniques for attracting the readers to your content.Increasing the quantity instead of the quality is not at all a good idea. Make sure that each of the blogs that you publish is of a high quality. Try and reduce the number of blogs you are publishing and, instead, concentrate on the quality.
·Social media is a very good platform of increasing your reach. Add your blog links to the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, etc. The reach of social media is big and the readership is also significant.
·Posting info graphics and videos is good way to attract more readers. Therefore, it is also a good way to get more hits.
·Create posts of value. Make sure that the content that you post have certain value that will enrich the knowledge of the readers. Do not write posts just for getting high ranking through SEO. Write posts that the readers will genuinely enjoy reading. In fact, whatever you do, do it for your readers and not merely for the search engines.
·Ensure consistency in the content of your website and the description. If your description shows something and your web page shows something else, you are tricking your audience. This is an illegitimate technique that you must avoid at all costs.
If you use the right techniques not only will you get good results, but your website will also not be threatened in the future. The reputation of your company will also remain intact and your website will remain visible to the visitors in the internet.