Building a brand is not easy these days. It has become all the more difficult thanks to the tendency of customers to go online and post vile thing about your brand on popular social media sites at the drop of a hat. So, you need to keep looking over your shoulders all the time to ensure that your brand is not getting trounced by irate customers. Now, face the truth, there will be always be some people who will criticize your brand no matter what and this is the reason why you should be trying your level best to create a strong brand on social media sphere so that it can withstand barrage of criticisms.
Here we are going to describe some tips that you should be incorporating with your existing social media marketing plan if you wish to create a robust social media presence for your brand.
Plan of Action
Of course, you need to have a plan otherwise how can you expect to bolster the presence of your brand on the web. Success of any marketing initiative is intrinsically associated with the plan. A poor marketing plan can cause devastation whereas a carefully crafted one can do wonder. First try to figure out where to promote your brand. Your brand can’t simply be everywhere given the fact new social sites are popping out every other day. Pick those sites where you expect to find your targeted audience. For example, if you are selling beauty products, maybe you should be targeting Pinterest and Instagram. What if you are selling a product that only appeals to professionals? In that case you should be promoting your products on LinkedIn.
Share Content Timely
You need to update your social channels when your targeted audiences are most active on social media. For example, if you are posting update on the early morning, we don’t expect many people are going to see those updates as they generally remain busying during that time of the day. But if you have a global audience to reach out to, maybe your early morning could be theirs evening and probably, it was the perfect time to tweet to get their attention. So, it all depends on the geographical location of your targeted audience. Try to tweet at least two times a day so that your posts get visible to maximum number of people.
Do A/B Testing
Words are very powerful medium and therefore, you need to post different updates by using different combination of words just to figure out which version is getting the most Likes, Retweets etc. You can do the same test with different version of the same image to find out what type of image appeals to audience the most. Once you have all the data, you can analyze them and then come with a perfect post which should grab the most eyeballs on the social circles.
Not Just Words, Share Images
When you are promoting your brand, you simply cannot focus only on words. You need to make sure that you are also using images to capture the attention of the audience. It has been observed that social media posts that get accompanied by images attain better exposure online.