The success of your website will be largely dependent on the SEO performed on it. The SEO, in turn is affected by the quality of keywords that you use. In order to get good keywords you will have to conduct keyword researches. After all, you do not to end up losing to your competition simply because they were using keywords to bring in more traffic. Moreover, being on the first page means nothing if nobody uses those terms to conduct searches.
The problem is with keyword research. If you are not sure how to conduct a thorough keyword research you can look into the following hints.
Gather the Keywords
Before starting a research into keywords, gather short tail keywords which are unique to your line of business. These basic keywords will form the base on which you can research further. Collecting these keywords can be done internally or externally.
- Take a look at the products and services that you offer. You can gain ideas about the basic keywords.
- Your website may provide ideas for your keywords. The headers and titles of your webpages may already be using possible keywords.
- The competition can provide you with great ideas for keywords unknowingly. A look at their website may bring you useable keywords through the title tags, keyword tags and description tags.
Increasing Your Keyword Collection
After you have collected the basic keywords, you can go to the next step. Here you are going to branch out and create categories and sub categories of keywords that you can use for your website. You can start using modifiers to help you increase the collection of your keywords.
Modifiers are simply words that can be used in conjunction with your basic keywords to create new keyword branches and long tail keywords. There are three kinds of modifiers that you can use.
- Location modifiers: They enhance local searches and bring in this localized traffic.
- Purchase modifiers: These modifiers pull in traffic that is intent on buying.
- Informational modifiers: Traffic that is in search of information will be directed to your website.
Filtering the Keywords
By following the processes mentioned above, you will have ended with quite a sizeable collection of keywords. However, not all of them can be useful at bringing in traffic. There are various tools and measures that can help you determine the quality of the keywords so that you can use the best ones.
A comparison of the search volume and the competiveness of a keyword with relation to your line of business is a good way to measure its quality. Once of have determined the usefulness of keywords put them in different categories based on the intent of searchers and the scope of relevance. When implementing them in your website, ensure that there is a balance between the short tail and long tail keywords.
Monitoring the Success of Keywords
Although you will be left with the best keywords for your website, the process is not yet over. You will have to constantly monitor the keywords. Those that have become ineffective will have to be removed and more optimal ones added on a regular basis to ensure the best results.
For successful SEO, right keywords and phrases are especially important. It is the basic tool that helps the businesses to get a good ranking on the search engines like Google or Yahoo. If you go wrong here, there are high chances that your search engine optimization efforts will not be as successful as you want it to be. You need to be extremely particular about choosing these words as these very words will be typed in the search engine box by your potential customers and searched on the internet. You must first be sure about what you want to use to attract the potential customers.
You can use the Juggernaut Method to find the right keywords and optimize your web site with them.
Understanding the Website
The first thing you need to do is understand your web site very well. Only then you can optimize your web site well and get the traffic that you have always wanted. You must never rush the process of setting the keywords as this may harm your site. Once you have understood your web site well, its industry, niche and products you have successfully completed the first step to the process of keyword search.
Discovering Relevant Topics
The next step is finding out the topics that are relevant to your business. You must make a list of such ideas that the potential customers may search the internet for. There are number of keyword suggesting tools that you can use to find the ones suited best for your business. You just need to insert the queries in the search box and the related keywords will be suggested. It is good idea to include how, which, what and why in the keywords as most people to question mode when searching for something in Google. For e.g.: Which is the best mobile phone?
Keyword Selection
Choose a keyword that has value.After coming up with a number of keywords you need to decide on a few and let go of the rest. This can be decided by the value of the keyword. You have to understand which one is a bad keyword and cancel that. After searching with the keywords if only organic results are shown with no advertisers, it is likely to be a bad keyword and a bad investment at that.
Long-Tail Keywords
Where keywords are concerned, there is a huge amount of competition. The short keywords can have thousands of searches and the competition level can be pretty high too. There is also lack of focus when it comes to one phrase or word. If you want the search of the potential customers to be focused and direct them to your site, you need to choose long tailed keywords. It will be more specific and your SEO efforts will show more results. There will be much less competition too and your site will not get lost in the huge number of sites.
These tips will surely help you figure out the ideal keywords and give your web site the proper traffic and visibility.