A pay per click campaign can be a great way to start bringing in targeted visitors. To achieve that end, you need Google Adwords so that traffic can be diverted to your website. However, just implementing it will not be enough. You need to devise methods by which you can make the most use of your advertising budget.
It is important to be thoroughly familiar with the various aspects of a PPC campaign. Otherwise, you may find that your money is being wasted. In order to improve the PPC campaign, you may find the following tips to be of use.
- Learn the basics thoroughly. Search for learning resources of the internet and make use of them to have a better grasp on the concepts.
- Keep track of the Quality Score as it will affect the exposure of your ads and the cost of each click.
- You can block IP addresses of your own company as well as that of the users to improve the Quality Score.
- Single worded keywords are not good enough. Try to implement key phrases instead.
- Analyze your competition. It can help you get invaluable insights on keywords and other ideas.
- Your traffic should not end up directly on the homepage of your website. Instead, the visitors should be redirected to a landing webpage specifically designed and optimized for converting the traffic.
- At the same time, you should not use the same landing page for all the ad groups you have created. You need landing pages optimized and tailored to suit the traffic brought in by each ad group.
- Do not forget to calculate the cost per click of your ads. This metric can be invaluable for understanding the profitability of your PPC campaigns.
- It is also important to track the conversions for the same reason. You can use Google tracking code for this purpose.
- The advertisements you create should not simply be a promotion of the products. Instead, ensure that they offer solutions for the needs of your customers.
- The ‘Click Here’ call to action should be avoided. It seems a very vague description for a call to action. Instead, you need to your calls to action to describe the benefits of the CTA.
- It is possible to implement extra calls to action in your ads. Doing so will improve them.
- You can improve the click through rates and the Quality Score at the same time if you implement keywords in the title of the ad.
- Do not stop making new ads just because you have found the best performing one. Think of the performance of the best ad as a goal you must surmount.
- Do not forget to track the behavior of your customers. You can link your accounts in Google Adwords and Google Analytics for this purpose.
- It is absolutely essential that you thoroughly test your ads before publishing them.
As you keep improving your pay per click campaigns, you will start getting better returns on your sales and investments. Keep developing new strategies so that your ads do not start to stale.