How to Generate More Traffic from Facebook?

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How to Generate More Traffic from Facebook?

How To Generate More Traffic From Facebook

Am sure by now everyone knows about what Facebook is, and the impact it has had on our lives both positively and negatively. Facebook is the biggest social networking site of all. With over a billion accounts and over 618 million daily active users, it is not far off when Facebook will have touched every individual on the planet. Now you can understand why it is important to use Facebook as a tool to generate website traffic. There are some techniques that can easily generate lots of traffic for your website or blog. I am going to share some tips on how to generate traffic from Facebook.


Let’s start from the beginning:


Creating a Facebook Account Profile

If you want to use Facebook, you must have your own account profile. You can begin by adding all your friends and enhancing your Facebook profile by adding lots of pictures and updating your status regularly. We noted a well maintained and up to date Facebook account attracts many friend requests. Once you have completed your profile, please follow the steps below in promoting your site or blog.


1. Add Your Site Link on Facebook

Facebook gives you an option to add your website link with a short description within your account profile. This will be helpful for you as your friends can easily view it and visit it too.

2. Sharing Your Website's Content

Sharing is one way to quickly get traffic for your website or blog. You can share various images, video clips with all your friends on Facebook. Make sure that you always keep your website’s URL in the post to get maximum exposure from it. People like images so try to use more images in relation to your link so that they “Like” your post and share it further to their friends. Image sharing has been a great way of attracting great traffic in a very short time.

3. Make Comments on posts

Write comments on other people’s blog posts or images but giving your link as a reference point within the comment. In doing this, people will read your comment and if interested they will visit your site.

4. Increase Like on your Facebook

Talk to your fellow Facebook friends to assist your business in getting more “Likes”. Request them to share your site’s details in terms of posts or images to their friends so that you can increase your outreach within your Facebook network.

5. Facebook Group

Did you know anyone can create their own Facebook group related to his/her website? Begin by creating a group, then invite all your friend to join the group. Make sure the group is engaging by constantly being connected with your members. Talk to them about your site and products, discuss with them any issues/problems they have and get ideas from them too. This will hopefully inspire them to visit your website and eventually give you a boost in traffic from Facebook.

Join up groups on Facebook that you feel are linked to your business. Talk to the members of those groups and engage with them about the products and services that you offer to your customers. This will create traffic to your website via the group pages.

6. Create a Facebook Fan Page

A Facebook fan page is very vital in bringing traffic to your website. It is rather simple for people to connect to your website via the Facebook fan page and they can get access to all the latest updates too. You must create regular posts on the fan page to keep all your fans engaged too. Don’t leave a long gap between posting an update for your fans.

7. Add a Facebook “Like” Button in Your Site

Create a Facebook “ Like” Button on your website so that visitors can click on the “Like” button and get connected with all the latest updates made on the site’s Facebook account. They will not even need to visit your site as the updates will be displayed on their respective Facebook accounts.

8. Link Your Facebook Account to other Social Networks

You can link your Facebook account to many popular social platforms out there such as Twitter, Instagram etc. It will save you lots of time by linking the accounts because when you post anything on your Facebook account then it will automatically be posted on all the linked networks too. This will further enhance traffic to your website.

9. Creation of Facebook Ads

Facebook also allows users to create ads of your fan pages or posts which they will display on other networks to give you greater coverage and visitors to your page. This is a great way for Facebook to market and promote your site. If you are professional service provider then this marketing technique is perfect for you.

All in all, to get brilliant results from Facebook you need to have lots and lots of friends so that your network reach is very broad globally. Talk and engage to people who have common interests like you and get to know people from all walks of life worldwide. Many people do not have the time to specifically visit a Facebook page and they rely simply on the updates provided in the news feed. It is for this reason, we strongly advise to maintain an active and updated account on Facebook.

Are you thinking of generating more interactions on your Facebook account?

Are you anxious as to how to reach your goal?

More amounts of marketing and advertising companies are investing in Facebook to increase their popularity among people. But, the scary part is what if their advertisements on Facebook profile get avoided. For we all know that nobody looks into Facebook profiles for adverts. This will require you to follow some procedures or steps. Here are some steps that will help you engage maximum interaction on your Facebook page.

?There are times when Facebook has more amount of interaction. Posts that are published in the latter half of the morning are known to engage more followers. These posts have more than 80% of engagement than other posts on an average because viewers are more active during this time. Time is an extremely important factor when you post on Facebook.

?Attach some images to the posts. Pictures are responsible for grabbing more attention of the audience than texts on the posts. The viewers may overlook what has been written but will hardly miss the pictures. Keep the images relevant to the post.

 ?Keep questions in the post. This is a great way to strike up a conversation within the people and make them respond to the posts. Thus, posts that end up asking questions are likely to generate more amount of interaction than any other normal  posts.

?Put up videos because they are the most shared post on Facebook. Videos are known to have 80-90 % of Facebook share.

?Postings on Sunday have been seen to engage maximum interest in the audience. The amount of involvement on this posts is more than 50% than an average Facebook post. This is because most of the people have a day off on Sunday and spend their time leisurely browsing through social networking sites.

?The post should not have more than two hundred character to make it perform the best. This should be excluding the images in the posts.

?The post that made directly to Facebook ensures less amount of engagement than posts that are through the third party result tools.

?Posts that are linked to content that are long in form, breed more interaction than contents that are short in form. The long content should have around 2500 words.
?Make sure that you post frequently. Pages posting about twice a day generate more 40-45 % followers. Having more than two posts in a day may have an adverse effect on the followers.

?Organize contest to create more interest in your faithful followers. This will get your targeted audience to pay a visit to your page more frequently. Various types of contests can be held keeping in mind the interaction you would like from your viewers.

?Make it a point to keep your contents entertaining. This will keep the audience from getting bored while reading the posts.

Take part in the conversations that are taking place on your page. Comment and reply to the questions that are being asked by the viewers.

Do let us know of your valuable feedback and if you have ideas which you wish to share with us too.