While dealing with a brick and motor company, charts and bar graphs shown by the analyst will let a person know how the business is performing. But when an online website is your shop window, how can you analyze its performance? How much traffic are you getting? How many users have signed up for your email newsletter? What keywords did users search to enter your site? From where are the most users coming from?
All of this is provided by Google Analytics- the most comprehensive internet-marketing tool online. And best thing is, It’s completely free. So let’s see how to setup a Google Analytics account to achieve bigger and greater sales.
Every website has a purpose and it is to sell products and services. But for that one has to engage users and cross promote the site. These goals are achieved when a user fills an enquiry form, watches a video, views some good amount of pages, and finally buys a product. To reach the biggest dream, you need to setup up milestones and put your effort to achieve them. While doing so Google Analytics will help you to keep track of the progress and will tell you whether you are reaching those milestones that you have set up. The goal reports provide the success data in terms of Goal Value, Goal conversion rate and Goal completions.
What are the types of Google Analytics goals that you can keep track of
· User Event: The action performed by a user, for instance watching a video
· Destination: User opened a specified page or app screen
· Duration: The time spent by the user on your site
· Pages/Screens per visit: The minimum number of screens or pages opened by the user
If you want to get regular newsletter from Google Analytics you can subscribe for it in the webpage view. Here you need to setup a destination goal based on which you will get regular emails to your inbox. On your website, you have to set up an email subscription form from where users can sign up and move to a special page that calls loud “Thanks for subscription!”. The analytics will keep track of this and will give you stats on how many of the users registered on your site.
If you haven’t got a Google Analytics account yet, then you need to create one. Then select a marketing account type and accept the Terms & Conditions. The account will need you to set up different properties of your website. If you have multiple websites then you can set up these properties separately for various websites.
After the properties are set up, you will receive a tracking ID or tracking code from the Google Analytics. Wordpress powered websites have great plugins available. One can install one of these and get functions of Google Analytics on their administrator page. Most of these plugins are available for free. .
After you configure the plugin and add codes, Google Analytics is set and will start tracking your data. Come back few days later to check the results and know your site’s performance.
How to use the data received from the Google Analytics account?
You can track the improvements you performed on the site and check if they really work. You gain insights about your customer behavior. The need for guessing or assuming about something doing well or not is no more required as Google Analytics will provide you real facts. Based on the data you can make confident decisions on improving the site.