Breaking down SEO
It is every business’ primary focus to be ranked number one on Search Engines in order to gain online visibility. In a multivariate environment, this can be a wrong approach as ranking is just one of the many vital metrics needed for a website to be optimized for SEO. With countless of business owners employing black-hat techniques in a bid to increase more traffic to their websites, it is an opportune time for businesses to differentiate themselves by providing true value.
Traffic is vital in increasing your probability of getting a sale but it does not end there. Imagine having a physical front on a buzzing street but when customers enter through your shop front, they are being greeted by an unkempt place. It is all about converting the traffic into sales.
SEO should not be seen as a hit-or-miss technique, where throwing more stones can kill more birds. There are other SEO metrics that should be considered to create a holistic and profitable SEO campaign for your business
Link Building
It seems logical that when links of a website are scattered online, the increase in backlinks would draw more visitors to it. This mentality has seen many businesses fall prey to the marketing gimmicks of unscrupulous companies who promise thousands of backlinks across numerous platforms, only to find the hundreds of dollars they spent rewarded with low-quality links; these low-quality links could potentially cause their websites to be penalized by the Search Engines. The automated software employed blasts low-quality links throughout the internet. This could result in having your links appear on adult websites, which could severely damage the image of your company.
Regardless of the environment the business operates in, it is imperative for your backlinks to be of high quality. Having a high-quality link provides more value and could also enhance your reputation. It should be noted that the process of cleaning up the bad links is often tedious and costly, which should serve as an incentive to do it right the first time.
Keyword Ranking
It is inevitable that everyone wants top rankings for their websites. However, it should be noted that securing top rankings for the right keywords or phrases should be the primary focus of the SEO objective. Having a top spot for a specific keyword that does not result in sales renders the effort useless. Through the analysis of search trends and market data, Lowcostseo have been able to sift out relevant keywords for our clients successfully, with the revenue goals in mind to create a profitable campaign. Ranking for keywords haphazardly is costly and this can be circumvented with a detailed SEO strategy.
The aim of any marketing efforts is to entice the visitor into performing a specific action, which can vary from a direct purchase to the submission of information. A SEO campaign must be constantly tweaked to ensure a high level of conversions.
It is vital that a SEO campaign is built on goals in order to measure success. The above mentioned metrics will be considered by any good SEO companies, where your results matter to them.