Content creation is a very important part of any successful marketing strategy. But, what the marketing professionals usually find challenging is generating fresh content every day, at such a rapid pace. Today there are a number of shortcuts that you can take in order to generate more ideas regarding fresh content.
Live blogging is a technique that is increasingly getting more and more attention and is very useful in increasing the page traffic significantly. It also has the potential of reaching a bigger audience, much faster and more effectively.
There are some effective ways in which you can use live blogging to increase the traffic significantly to your site.
·Live Blogging at Important Events: In important events like conferences, the attendees and the people who wanted to attend engage in a hash tag blows to give and get updates regarding the event. A number of people follow these hash tags in order to network. This is a good opportunity for you to add something relevant and extra to the thread. You have to make sure that you have relevancy. Also make sure that whatever you write does not sound like promotion or advertisement.
There will be a whole lot of new audience for you to cater to. Make sure that you capitalize it properly and get the traffic that you want.
If you want to give the readers a full picture of the conference and its happenings, jot down everything that is mentioned in the session. There will be many speakers; you can choose the most popular one. The audience who were present in the audience will surely love a recap of the session and the people who have missed out will want to know everything that the speaker has to share.
You can include a summary in the blog as it will help you sum things up and the readers will able to get an idea of the entire session quickly.
·Creating Recaps Of Twitter Chats: Twitter is a very good way to network and connect with the different audience. For Twitter recaps, you do not need to write huge amount of unique content. You can just write a small introduction of the topic and they copy the best tweets in the particular segment. You must be very active and alert during the conversation and make sure that you do not miss out on the good tweets.
The next thing is giving the shout to the audience when the recaps go live. It usually takes 24 hours for the posts to get published.
Write on Trending Topics: The best way to increase the online traffic is by writing on the latest and relevant content. Check the internet about the trending topics and start contributing to it. Present some of your own ideas and make yourself heard. The advantage of this is you do not have to come up with your own ideas every time for the content. Be careful about the topics that you choose. Select sensitive topics that will attract audience and reflect well on your brand.
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