Banking is a big business and, certainly, one that has made progressive use of the internet over the decades. However, when it comes to SEO, banks need to stay visible, just like every other business. So, what’s the best course of action?
Local Details
One challenge banks face is that they are often found on a national scale. However, even with the likes of online banking, there are still times when people need to know information about the nearest, local branch.
This includes both the address and the phone number. When it comes to website optimisation, there are a few ways to do this. One such method is to have a singular page listing all of your branches, but it might be better to give each branch its own page. This will ensure that Google understands the difference between queries for different locations, displaying the correct contact information in the SERPs.
Speaking of listings, you should ensure your business (and the branches) are on all high-quality listings and directories. Similarly, if you’re looking to improve your conversion rate, encourage your customers to leave reviews – this will give you a greater, positive image and naturally improve your online branding. When it comes to the likes of reviews and forums, this positive discussion can often generate additional, natural links, improving your visibility.
Specialised Services
Banking comes in many forms and your company may specialise in some areas more than others. Likewise, it helps to offer specific content on various services – such as mortgages, loans and special accounts – to help guide traffic in the right direction.
There is plenty of potential for great content here. You can offer basic information, more advanced guides and various other pieces of advice. If you explore your long-tail question-based keyword options, you can directly answer questions people are searching for.
Monitor Results
When you have a website that offers distinct landing pages for each specialisation – like a bank, for instance – you can use this to better gauge your audience’s reactions. Keep track of the traffic volumes for each important page, including the bounce rate and the source. You can do all of this via Google Search Console and it can greatly inform any subsequent SEO agency’s strategy.
This will tell you a number of useful things. Pages with a high bounce rate are not fulfilling their purpose or are potentially being directed from unrelated queries. Similarly, you can see which pages people vastly prefer. Either these pages are better optimised, have the most relevant content relative to the original query or simply represent an area that has greater public interest. You can use this information to assign the correct pages and keywords, as well as using these areas in your outreach efforts.
Website Structure
Finally, while not directly involved with gaining traffic, a proper website structure is vital for remaining visible. Banks tend to have numerous, specific pages and this can sometimes cause problems with crawling budgets.
Ensure your navigation is easy to understand and that surplus, duplicate content isn’t featured on your site. This can often cut down on the number of pages and ensure your website is being indexed properly.