You might already be using twitter to market your company. If you are not using Twitter then you need to start using it. Twitter has become an incredibly popular social media network and it can provide a good boost to your internet marketing activities.
Twitter is a great platform where you can connect with the other companies as well as your customers. However, you may face problems when you are trying to market your company through Twitter. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the activity that takes place in Twitter almost every second. You should not get daunted as it becomes quite easy once you get used to Twitter.
Tips to Market Using Twitter
Marketing through Twitter can become an easy process by dividing the requisite tasks into groups. There are many tips that you can use to make marketing through Twitter an easier process.
The Company Twitter Profile
The profile is the most important part of Twitter. Your customers or followers will visit the profile to find out more about your company. They should be duly impressed by the profile.
- The profile of your company should contain a customized background unique to your company. Avoid using the default or any other stock images.
- The photo of the profile should be a headshot.
- The bio of the profile needs to be as detailed as possible without become boring and tedious.
- You should not forget to incorporate SEO keywords into the bio.
- The bio should contain a link to your website or your blog.
- The profile photo of your company can never be left blank.
- Add as many details as possible to the background.
Monitoring and Listening To Tweets
You should keep track of the tweets revolving around your company. You need to know how your customers perceive you.
- Download an app or software to keep track of all the tweets and organize them in the appropriate manner.
- Ensure that all your followers are properly organized in lists.
- Keep track of your tweets by using hash-tags.
- Monitor the tweets from your company to check how many responses you are getting.
- You can create separate lists to keep track of the competition businesses and their tweets.
- Use the schedule feature to your advantage by scheduling tweets to be posted in the future.
- Do not forget to follow the various Twitter chats whose topics are related to your business.
- Keep track of the buzz that is created around your events.
Integration with Twitter
One of the beauties of Twitter is that you can integrate it with other components of internet marketing. This improves the reach and scope of your internet marketing by a significant margin.
- Add the Twitter button to all blog posts as well individual articles.
- Tweet about your new blog posts.
- Integrate the Facebook account and the Twitter account of your company. Let followers of both groups become aware of the posts in the other account.
- Ensure that all your marketing materials, including the offline ones, mention the link to your twitter account.
- Your emails should have the twitter button ion its signage so that your customers can follow your instantly.
Twitter has emerged as one of the popular social sites to communicate and interact with the followers by sending tweets- short messages. Fortunately, these tweets can be sent for promoting your products and services and building relationship with the potential customers.
The user base on the twitter is vast, nearly reaching a billion. This makes it a powerful tool for promoting your business. If you ask how to use twitter to its best for growing your business then, we are pleased to share some tips that will target your tweets properly among followers.
Create and use an interesting and complete business profile
One thing to note about twitter profile is that you are allowed to use only a short except to give information about your business. The maximum limit usable in the profile info column is 160 characters. So your short profile info should sum up what your business deals with and its products and services. Use your real name in the profile and avoid cutesy or pun names. People these days look for straightforward businesses. So keep your profile photo casual. There is no need to look like a readymade professional. Add your skills and accomplishments in the bio.
Tweet at the right time. There are both good and bad times to tweet to your followers. You need to find the best time to tweet. This can be bit tough, because the attention of followers on their twitter accounts can be at different times. But you can use some of the online tools and check for the times when you got the most re-tweets from the followers. This will let you know about the times and days when you can send interesting tweets and get best response.
Repeats are Good
Many would say always post new and interesting information on twitter. But repeating some of the most important messages will help you to cover all the followers. You can make a search on yourself, by typing your name on the twitter search box and see which post got the most re-tweets and replies. Repost these a few times, but no spamming please.
Follow Autofollow
Use of Autofollow feature is encouraged by many twitter seo experts. This service automatically follows people who are already following the user back. A smart thing you can do is search for users who have a lot of followers and add them. If they are using Autofollow feature, then they will be added to your profile. But be aware of the spam profiles, these will be following large number of users but will not have significant number of twitter users following them back.
Use of @message
@message allows you to send a message to any twitter user, regardless of whether they are following or not.
There are many other tips that you can use in your twitter use to increase the growth of your business. But by following the above tips will definitely help you to go a long way in effectively promoting your products and services.
Above is a great infographic by Entanet showcasing the growth and usage of this popular social media platform.