One of the most effective and efficient form of marketing is e-mail marketing. It is also renowned to be known as an efficient direct marketing tool. An efficient e-mail marketing strategy helps to increase the bonding between the customer and the company. However, it is important to keep in mind that e-mail marketing is not as simple as it sounds. It is not just forwarding the e-mail to prospective clients.
However, there are a number of things that must be followed in order to do a successful e-mail marketing campaign. Again, there are many entrepreneurs who have a wrong myth about e-mail marketing campaigns. These myths are the only reasons for the failure of many e-mail marketing campaigns.
So, what are these myths? And, how can one rectify these myths in order to have a successful e-mail marketing campaign?
- Only Young Generation People Use Tablets And Gadgets
People are in the wrong notion that only young people are in the habit of using tablets and gadgets. However, statistics has a different thing to say. According to reports tablets, are mostly used by people who are in the middle-aged group i.e. 30 to 50. Tablets are also used by senior citizens who are at the age group of 60 to 75.
A survey had been conducted where it had been found that youngsters below the age of 25 generally prefer messaging over e-mails.
- Existing Or Fresh Customers All Will Receive The Same E-Mail
Sending the same e-mail for all is never the strategy. It is important to retain both the types of customers with varied campaigns. This choice should be made based on the behavioral dynamic content. This is mainly decided depending on the purchasing behavior of every customer.
- All Those Who Have Subscribed And Are Continuing Are Loyal To The Company
Unfortunately, this thought process is completely untrue. The fact that when a subscriber opts in and is there connected for a long time it certainly does not imply that they keenly listening or reading what one sends. It may so happen that they are inactive and the e-mails that are being sent are basically graymail.
- Discarding Invalid Or Bad E-Mails Is Equivalent To List Cleaning
Some of the people are in the belief that list cleaning is basically means removing irrelevant or unwanted data. However, it is certainly more than that. The base of list cleaning has expanded drastically. It includes scrutinizing multiple e-mails, updating preference, unengaged customers, eradicating spam traps. In order to have a better communication and targeting base it is important to keep the focus on changed behavior and preference.
- Subject Line Is The Secret To Opening E-Mails
This statement is however only partially true and not completely true. There are very few customers who decide on opening e-mails seeing the subject line. However, the major reason for most of the people to open e-mails is by checking the sender’s name.
- Longer Subject Line Always Provide Great Results
However, it may be true for few industries, but it certainly does not mean that for every industry this trick needs to be applied. Thus, use the long subject line only when it is required and not every time for every e-mail.