Content marketing is all about writing "unique" content and then marketing it via the right channels for it. There is a somewhat confusion as to what is perceived as great or unique content. Its quite obvious, that it has to be well written, structured with no grammatical errors at all. Your content should target the audience for which it is meant for. The content has to be original and factual. Make sure a great deal of research goes into your content writing.
Now we might have understood by now that having great content is very important for a website but one must also understand that the "Content" should be able to add value too. As the content will surely get the attention for the prospective audience, it should be able to convert a percentage of the audience into customers. The more unique and great the content, the more it is likely to be shared online via say twitter or Facebook. The best way to get your content around is to make it viral.
Here is what we at Lowcostseo think to be a valuable way to build content. Firstly we have to understand and listen to what the customer wants. Then we try to comprehend the requirements of the client's target audience. (this step is ignored many times). One's main focus should be in the creation of content that what the audience wants to see. We got to show the audience what they want to see in terms of facts, information, stats etc. Unique content is what aids in building a trust between the clients and their target audience.
All in all, Great and unique content is what the audience wants and that is what will add value to your website.