If a user goes to a page on your site and finds that they have been waiting for your page to load for more than a few seconds, they may leave your page and cost you a conversion.
Fortunately, there is a way to improve the page speed, like adding functionality to your website through plugins like the WooCommerce Zapier extension. Still, it involves identifying the problem or delaying the problems.
Because it can be difficult to analyze what's going on, you can use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights. Google PageSpeed evaluates several factors for overall scoring time. When you study page speed, Google gives you a list of methods to help you earn points.
1. Slow Website Speed Kills
If you look like 47 percent of consumers, you expect a website to appear in full glory in two seconds or less. Yet, the fact is that the faster we accessed the internet, the less patient we were. So it is important for companies that non-compliance with this lightning-fast requirement can have worrying consequences.
As your status load gradually speeds up in three seconds, visitors will start jumping up and down on the signal. Customers expect your page to load quickly, and if you don't live up to their expectations, they have little reason to stay. Every second read when it comes to online competition, so it's important to understand why loading speed is so important and the role digital websites play in all of this.
2. Search Rankings
Google first made the site speed an official trademark in 2010 and has grown since then. Unfortunately, this means that the low speed of your website can negatively affect your SEO and, therefore, your search engines.
In particular, this can lead to reduced traffic to your website. This is because Google breaks down the most important rankings and increases website speed.
It is important to note that Google has emphasized that although the speed of a website is a common measure, the page in question weighs even more than the overall speed of the page. Thus, while website speed may not significantly affect your site's search engines, Google rankings have a certain trademark, and you need to be careful about controlling slow website speeds.
3. eCommerce Success
Also, studies have shown that website speed is directly related to website success. That's because customers prefer fast page loading and response times.
Some case studies show you how to take small steps in overall page speed to reduce bounce rates, speed up conversions, and earn more revenue. However, there is also strong evidence of how bad a slow page speed can have on your e-commerce success, as shown below.
To let you know how low website speed can affect your success as an e-business owner, a talented team of experts has collected a total of 12 real-world examples. And it has been shown that even two seconds late on the fast network can affect your revenue, click rates, and queries.
4. Mobile Experience
In general, the user experience is important for any website. And slow websites are sure to hurt desktop users. However, as mobile phone use grows: 61% of mobile phones say they are less likely to return to a mobile location that was difficult to access and even more important than ever to speed up page flow. The leaves pick up.
Although mobile websites usually have a slow communication rate, users think they are nothing less than you. This is because mobile assumes that your website loads as fast as a desktop or tablet!
In addition, you don't spend a lot of money to sell your regular store, but lock the doors when customers are happy to see it. The same concept applies here. Don't waste money advertising websites; just a slow, "fast" website will attract customers before they see what you're offering.
5. First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions
When visitors land on a page on your website, they quickly form an idea about your brand. The first impression in the world of websites leaves a lasting impression. When visitors get their first impressions, it is usually expected of them, which means what happens when they first meet sets the stage for their relationship and gender.
There are some considerations regarding loading page speed. Not only do users expect quick results and get annoyed when they don't see them, but page speed quickly affects their professional opinion of you.
On the other hand, if your pages load fast, your visitors may not notice, and that's fine. There's nothing to stop them from learning more about you, researching your 'website,' and basing their first impressions somewhere other than the delay in loading the page they didn't. Interesting, albeit for a short time.
6. You Care About Conversions
There is strong enough evidence to support the belief that the right page speed affects conversions. First, let's look at the fact that a page load is likely to lose 7 percent of your conversions in a second. Assuming visitors wait five seconds - just 3 seconds longer than expected - people's salaries will change by less than 1 percent.
If revenue doesn't matter to your Company's success, then you have nothing to worry about. But for all of us, this is the fall of change - the Company Closed! Sales information is very important, and every sales tool should do the best it can to keep numbers to the right of the line.
The fast load has always been an important part of the user's power experience. Now that it's a component of Google's ranking algorithm, page speed has become an important factor in page ranking and ranking. To improve page loading speeds, look for general content that causes pages to load slowly, such as thumbnails or many plugins.
If you have failed or are overwhelmed with methods to increase your page speed, our office will help you. Have you noticed the speed of your website? What are the most common reasons for slow download for you?